Team Building Games
(a) Sack race: Place both legs in a sack and run a distance of ±30m. Individuals to race against each other.
(b) 3 Leg Race: Requires two individuals’ legs to be tied together. One leg of each person will be tied with the other and they must run to cover a distance of 30m with three legs, racing against other pairs.
(c) Baton Scramble: About 6 people start with activity (number of people can differ). They will have to lie on their chest, facing away from batons. There will be 5 batons placed vertically in the sand ±20m away. Upon the whistle the 6 competitors must stand up and run to get the baton. The person without a baton is out. Now we will go on with 5 persons, 4 batons until two persons, 1 baton and then a winner.
(d) Egg Toss: Two persons face each other with an egg in the hand of one person. They start about 2m apart. At the sound of the whistle they throw the egg to their partner. If the egg does not break, they will move 1 meter further apart and throw the egg after the sound of the whistle. They will go on until the egg breaks. The couple that reaches the furthest without breaking their egg will be the winner.
(e) Tug-O-War: Two teams competing against each other by pulling the other team over a mark.
(f) Sand Castle Building: Competing in teams. Every team will receive required equipment and then they must build a sandcastle within a certain time period. The best castle by standard will.
(g) Soccer: 6 individuals per team.
(h) Volleyball: 6 individuals per team.